Friday, October 8, 2010

Law of Attraction and YOU - How to Use The Law of Attraction and Get REAL Results

A lot of people that come across the Law of Attraction will end up with a lot of excitement and anticipation for all of the things that they want to manifest and attracting into their lives, only to become disappointed when it just does not seem to happen for them. If you are new to the idea of using the Law of Attraction to manifest your desires, and you just do not seem to be getting the real results that you are after, you may want to pay attention.

One of the main reasons why so many people fail to see real results, is that they are looking for some kind of magic to happen, some kind of mysterious force that is just going to bring a whirlwind of all of the good things and none of the bad things in life. And while,that is not a bad dream, it's not exactly the reality of what it's like to use the Law of Attraction to manifest your desires.

Here's how to use the Law of Attraction and get REAL results:

1. You have to be clear on what it is exactly that you want to attract.

I could sit back and say that I want to have a new car, but unless I get specific on what kind of car I actually want to have, there is not much that is going to help me actually get it. See, part of the magic of manifesting, is getting your brain to guide you to what is that you want to manifest or attract in your life. And until you get a clear picture of what that is, then you brain kind of doesn't really know what it wants, and it does not know how to get there. So, be clear, more importantly, be PRECISE in what you want to see manifest in YOUR life.

2. You have to be ready to go with whatever INSPIRES you.

Most of the "great" ideas that have come about did not really seem so great to anyone else, except for the person that had the idea. They had to go with their inspiration, and use that to motivate them to get what they wanted out of life. So, when you get an inspired idea, your first reaction should be to go with it. Unfortunately, most people seem to reject their inspired ideas, and instead let themselves sink back down into "reality" and of course, they never see any of the "magic" happen.

3. When you are filled with EXCITEMENT and PASSION, you need to take ACTION.

Have you ever really felt a real fire in your belly? When it seemed like you were just filled with both excitement and passion? That is when you need to take action. Without action, all you have is potential and that does not amount to much, really. The ability to take action is what separates the people that get real results from the Law of Attraction and those that end up waiting around for the results to just kind of appear.

You can have what you want in life, when you are ready to take action and discover how to use the Law of Attraction the RIGHT way!

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