Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How Your Belief System Determines Your Future By Damien Clarke

Belief systems shape our behaviors, and impact our choices. The manner in which we express ourselves, the careers we choose, the number of children we have, the neighborhoods we live in are all born from our beliefs. The more in touch you are with your belief system, the more mindful and conscious you will be in going after goals and making decisions.
People who struggle to make decisions are often not in touch with their beliefs, which is an underlying motivator in coming to a decision. When you have an immediate reaction to a decision, or an immediate answer to a question, it's because you have conviction. You are comfortable and familiar with your authentic self. Having a belief system is similar to having an internal compass, which keeps you on track. If you start to get too far off the trail, your belief system, or internal compass, is there to steer you back.
If your actions aren't in agreement with what you believe you'll experience discomfort emotionally and mentally. This can happen when you are in a social setting for instance, and someone shares a joke or story that is at odds with your values. If you speak out, you risk offending your peers, however if you remain silent, you may suffer internally because you're not being your authentic self.
Think about when you set a goal. The goal you want to accomplish cannot be in opposition with your beliefs, or you won't actually achieve it. It's important to understand what your values are, and their role in your decision making process.
When you find yourself considering an important decision, your belief system is there to help guide you. Sometimes it can act like the "little voice" in your head. It keeps you grounded, and confident in your actions and decisions. Understanding that your belief system is like an emotional guidance system, or GPS, will enable you to access it when you need it.
Having a belief system is important to living a fulfilling life. Being in touch with your motivations and values keeps you in the driver's seat. You'll operate with more confidence and make more effective decisions.
Damien Clarke has been delivering Personal and Professional Change Management programs to businesses for over 14 years. Grab your FREE Video and Report on How To Get Motivated and follow his own personal Goal Setting blog for regular inspiration.