Saturday, September 3, 2011

2012 And The Missing Link -- By Scott E Hammontree

How does Dec 21, 2012 fit in with Mayan mythology? Where is the link? To answer these questions, I had to take a closer look at the Maya culture and history. I really want to know how the 2012 phenomenon evolved from ancient history to present conspiracy theory.
In my research I have learned that the Maya people are comprised of Native American people from southern Mexico and Northern Central America. Also, a brief study of Mayan mythology reveals that their culture was intimately linked to nature and celestial bodies (stars, planets, comets, nebulae, star clusters and galaxies). Interestingly, the Maya were very good at tracking celestial objects. Their day-to-day activities were deeply entwined with the stars. Every aspect of their culture -- religion, medicine, hunting, relationships, architecture, etc -- revolved around it. They even kept detailed recordings of the movement of Venus and the milky-way.
In addition to stargazing, the Maya utilized two calendars to ensure proper timing for their religious rituals and celebrations: the Haab and the Long Count calendar. The Haab calendar was their solar calendar made up of 18 months of 20 days each with a 5 day period at the end for a total of 365 days (Our modern 365-day calendar is based on the Haab calendar.) On the other hand, the long count calendar was linear and was used to identify distant future dates by counting the number of days from a given starting point. As for the starting date, in general, Mayan historians believe the starting date to be Aug 11, 3114 BCE. The long count calendar is what the Mayan's used to predict future dates and calculate the end of the current period.
Next, it is important to note that one of the cultural goals of the Mesoamerican culture (Olmec, Zapotec, Teotihuacan, Maya, Mixtec, Totonac and Aztec - Wikipedia) was to try and define their relationship with their environment. This goal led them to create stories that contained personified forces of nature in the form of deities and heroes. These type of stories can be seen in an ancient text known as the Popul Vuh which has been linked to Mayan ceramic artifacts. (note -- that is not the missing link I'm referring to.) The Popul Vuh describes a series of four attempts at creating mankind. The first three creation attempts failed and we are living in the fourth and successful attempt which ends on Dec 20th, 2012. We should note that another round will begin on Dec 21, 2012 (the 14th b'ak'tun).
So far so good. I'm beginning to see how December 21st, 2012 got its notoriety, but there is still one more very important piece: i.e. the missing link.
Michael D Coe is the missing link. Back in 1966, Mr. Coe wrote in his book, 'The Maya' that he found the Popul Vuh text suggested (or hinted) that the world would end December 21st, 2012. His work and comment were perpetuated through the 90's and are flourishing today. However, later Mayan Historians disputed his assertion or suggestion. For example, contemporary Mayanist scholar Mark Van Stone said, "There is nothing in the Maya or Aztec or ancient Mesoamerican prophecy to suggest that they prophesied a sudden or major change of any sort in 2012. The notion of a 'Great Cycle' coming to an end is completely a modern invention."
Scott Hammontree shares his research and opinions on 2012, the Maya culture, Wilderness Survival tips and survival gear with anyone who is interested. To learn more visit Scott's 2012 Gear.
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