Sunday, September 26, 2010

Why The Law Of Attraction May Not Be Working For You

In the West we are taught that acquisition comes as the result of hard work, struggle, and planning. We are told that we must work hard to get what we want, and our self-worth is directly proportional to what we have accomplished. Naturally, we approach the law of attraction with the same mentality. We know it's a law of nature with roots in spirituality, but few of us are willing to divert from our conventional ways of striving. We focus on doing rather than being, and wonder why we can't exercise complete control with the law of attraction.
Most people meet the law of attraction with excitement. They run out and write down all the things they plan to attract. They make posters with pictures on it, and set aside a specific time of the day to will their desires into reality. But, after several months they wonder why the law of attraction isn't working as promised. They think: "What am I doing wrong here, why can't I make this thing work?"
The biggest mistake people make while using the law of attraction is trying to force certain results from it. Rather, we try to "do" the law of attraction rather than "be" the law of attraction. The difference is very subtle but also extremely profound. Doing is based in action. It is focused primarily on the level of form. Being, on the other hand, comes from a far deeper level and it puts essence into everything that we do.
Take compassion for example. Are we being compassionate when we help our friend get through a rough patch, or are we merely going through the motions because it is "the right thing to do?" Both appear the same on the surface, but there's a significant difference when looked at from a deeper perspective.
Being fuels doing but it is never the other way around. You cannot act like you care about your friend to make yourself care about him, just as the words "I love you" cannot make you love- No matter how hard you try.
Masters have told us for centuries that mastery begins and ends in being. Those who allow being to transmit into their doing are said to be in the flow. Athletes, artists, and scientists all attest that their most brilliant achievements came when they were in this "flow."
Being in this flow is when the mind takes a back seat to the innate intelligence of the body, and the doer simply flows with the experience. This is the foundation to almost all eastern philosophy- The poem writes the poem, the song sings the song, and the dance and the dancer merge into one.
When applied to the law of attraction, the key is to first focus on the inner and that will translate onto the outer. In order to attract money for example, we must "be" money by getting into the feeling of being wealthy. In order to attract love, we must be love, and pour it out at every possible moment. This is called essence, and when you can bring it into your everyday living you can finally use the law of attraction with efficacy. That's why it is said that you are a human being, not a human doing.
If you watched the movie The Secret, or have dabbled in the law of attraction, you might be wondering if there is more to it than what is conventionally taught. Sometimes people tell me that the law of attraction seems incomplete, and I have to agree. Fortunately, one of the teachers on the movie The Secret came out with a course that addresses all its unanswered questions. It's called The 11 Forgotten Laws, and I strongly suggest it to students who want to become more effective with their intentions. I consider it the final necessary component to truly understanding the law of attraction. CLICK HERE to check it out now.
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