Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It Is You Versus You

Subject: Tuesday quote

You are the one who creates your flow and you are the one who does not go with it and not one other person in your life has anything to do with that. It's you versus you. PERIOD.

And when something isn't going very well and you say it's your fault or it's your fault or it's your fault or it's this condition or it's this condition or it's this condition, we say you may very well be using those conditions as your reason to point upstream and because you have got yourself pointed upstream we know self-created stream is beating up on you pretty good, it's giving you cancer or it's giving you a car wreck or it's giving you something that you do not want, but it's all self inflicted because you're the one that created the stream and you're the one that's bucking the stream. You get this?

All you, all worthy, beautiful, eternally evolving, creative genius you.. So we understand why you get pretty irritated when things aren't going well because at such deep levels of your being you know it's suppose to.

- Abraham-Hicks
This Daily quote is from Abraham-Hicks the original Facebook page

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