Each embodied soul needs an anchor in higher realms of consciousness to stabilize the vibration of the physical body on Earth. Since we wear the vibrational frequencies of those we align with, naturally the purer those frequencies, the more enjoyable they are and the smoother goes our lives. Some people are now working with ascended masters to help the Earth and humanity shift into lighter planes of consciousness. They are receiving intense and pure energy in their bodies in order to anchor these frequencies in the Earth plane.
In allowing ascended masters to send pure frequencies of energy from cosmic, solar, and multidimensional sources, a number of fully-trained empaths are using their chakras and subtle bodies as channels similar to high-voltage transformers, which step down intensely vibrating frequencies into a more useable and less harmful current that can be accepted by humanity. However, this is causing some emotional, mental, and physical discomfort. In addition to trying to heal their own past, these people may feel drained because they are also picking up negative energy from those around them in order to transmute it and free others from karma and suffering. Karma is the "law of sin and death" that the Bible mentions. It keeps us on a cycle of reincarnation, which is a very slow way to ascend. We are under the law of grace, which is freedom from guilt, shame, and punishment. We can live in experiential knowledge of this bliss and ascend more quickly and with less symptoms of resistance.
Many starseeds (souls who have been to other places before coming to Earth), walk-ins (souls that come into a mature body rather than being born into an infant), lightworkers (more evolved souls here to help the planet ascend), and indigos (children who possess unusual and/or supernatural traits or abilities) have agreed to come to Earth to perform certain duties. Transmuting negativity into positive or beneficial energy is one of those tasks. Unfortunately, many empaths use their body for this purpose. Instead, you can establish a rapport with one or more ascended master and ask them to assist with helping you fulfill your divine purpose on Earth. They are more than willing to work with you and help you raise your own vibration so you are less affected by detrimental energy.
Assisting souls who are incarnating into the Earth or crossing over into the afterlife has been a duty of mine for a long time, but it took me years of suffering with the detrimental energy of some departing and/or earthbound souls before I learned what was going on and how to manage this task. As I began to increase my vibration by aligning my will with the will of the I AM Presence, I started experiencing fewer encounters with earthbound entities. Why? Because as we ascend, the negativity in our mental and emotional fields that lower-vibrating energy is attracted to decreases. Our ministry/purpose also becomes clear.
Some of you are using energy, light, and information to heal people, plants, animals, and the Earth's soil, air, and water. Some of you are serving as activists for social reform, humanitarian efforts, and better health/living conditions throughout the world. Others have discovered a talent for writing and teaching, delivering channeled messages, or providing intuitive readings. Some are finding that they can influence the weather, align the earth's gridlines (ley lines), and do many other important spiritual tasks such as transmuting karma for others.
Even if you are not called to do the work of transmutation, you can still work with ascended masters, and I highly recommend that you do. As evolving souls, we basically have all the information we need and are able to vibrate at whatever level we want. But, these cosmic beings-as well as angels, archangels, ascended masters, and other non-physical beings of light-do not infringe upon our free will or make assumptions about what we want in life. Therefore, we must ask for their help.
That doesn't mean that some of us are not unconsciously working with these masters on a soul level or perhaps during the dream state. Many empaths are becoming more aware of their multidimensional experiences. You may see, feel, hear, and sense these spiritually-advanced beings around you.
Keep up the spiritual purification practices outlined in my book, on this blog, or that you have found to be effective for you personally. Never stop loving the divine essence within you. Always acknowledge, converse with, and ask for assistance from this blessed presence.
Yvonne Perry is the author of Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience ( http://shiftingintopurerconsciousness.com ). She holds a bachelor's degree in metaphysics from the American Institute of Holistic Theology and provides personal coaching for spiritual seekers. The host of We Are One in Spirit Podcast, she enjoys speaking about a wide variety of topics to help people realize their own creative power http://weare1inspirit.com.
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