Thursday, May 17, 2012

There Are No Experts - Only Experiences -- By Dr. Carla Goddard

There are no experts on the the human experience. Your human experience is uniquely yours in movement, thought, and form. You are your own expert on your experience.
What is the human experience? Is it a vision? It is a reality? While in meditation this morning it struck a chord that the saying we are spiritual beings having a human experience was more than a simple set of words. Humanity is the human species having experiences. As a spiritual being we are drawn into a greater vision of humanity. It is more than just a vision - it is a energetic force. A force that is emerging on this journey in human experience. It is a longing to return to the spiritual experience.
Within this human experience as a spiritual being, I have the vision to hold deep within. I have the ability to be motivated by the human species I am or by the spiritual being that I am. The choice is mine. The source of authentic power is longing to be born in the human species. The consciousness of life is waiting to be touched, drawn in, and breathed deeply.
As the human society the dense fog's have settled in clouding the authentic power that moves throughout. So the question has arisen within this fog, is their a purpose. Our human personalities, our human natures, ask these questions as we live in the physical source of power. The external power. We ask as the external power of what we can see, touch, feel, and taste define our words.
Our soul can choose the intention to shape our experiences as a spiritual being. It can choose consciously to go beyond the external and into the authentic. Your soul is a living, animate entity that has the ability to love without restriction, accept without judgements, and experience authentic unity.
When the human nature recognizes the soul being, it is then that the infusing of the two, the return to unity can begin. The simple recognition and acceptance is the first step towards unity. It is separation that causes duality. Once the human nature, the human being, experiences the soul even for a brief moment, the two begin to infuse.
Every experience that you have, every situation you face, every moment you make a choice, is the opportunity to experience the soul. You choose the path, the journey of your own evolution. The evolution of your soul begins with the infusing into unity with your human nature. The unity of the soul is the authentic empowerment of your being.
Experience your soul today and find the unfathomable love of Life.
Dr. Carla Goddard
Sacred Soul Shaman
Women as Visionaries 2011 Honoree
Global Fire Keeper with Sacred Pathways
Author, Speaker, Pastoral Counselor
Waiest® Mental Martial Art's Guide
Visionary of the Metaphysical Minds Series
Registered with AMDA
Registered with FFWA

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