Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Source Is Alive In You Now

Thanks to Perenna Fleming' August 3 at 5:56am Facebook post we, can share this post with you

When you have made the metamorphosis into that knowing... when you allow ALL that you are to be within you here, then you revel in every waking moment, you move your way continually up the emotional scale. You take delight in the new desires that are born within you. You enjoy your progress toward them, you condemn yourself and others never... In other words, you live life in the way that which is your Source is living life! And you just don't sweat over the stuff as people are arguing endlessly over it... God is ALIVE in you Now, you see. You can tell when you close that gap. And when you do, life takes on all new meaning. Nothing, in all of the Universe is more delicious than to be in this physical body allowing the fullness that is you to be present in the moment.
- Abraham-Hicks

Above is a quote from Abraham through Esther Hicks.
Esther has a more acute connection to our source energy. She can ask and be given direct answers to her questions. Abraham is a name that Esther uses to identify that part of source energy that she is acutely connected to.
Esther shares this ability all around the world through seminars and other types of gatherings.
Through her book  Ask & It Is Given Esther Hicks shares with her readers how, why and what her connection is all about.
I highly recommend you read her book and be a part of the knowing.

Thanks for reading this post have a Great Day