Monday, March 15, 2010

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quotes To Be An Allower

Subject: Daily Quote

To be an Allower is to be one who feels positive emotion, which means that you must control what you are giving your attention to. It does not mean that you get everything in your world whipped into shape so that everything and everyone is just the way you want it to be. It means that you are able to see, and therefore solicit forth, from the Universe, from your world, and from your friends, that which is in harmony with you, while you let the other parts go unnoticed by you - therefore unattracted by you, and therefore not invited by you. That is Allowing, you see.

And we will tell you, friends, Allowing is the most glorious state of being you will ever achieve on a long, ongoing basis. For once you are an Allower, you are spiraling upward and upward, for there is no negative emotion to balance you out and bring you down. There is no backward swing of the pendulum. You are forever and gloriously moving forward and upward!

The Law Of Attraction, p.151 by Abraham-Hicks through Tom Murasso on Facebook